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Resources for Staff

What should you do as a school district employee TODAY?

  • Read Undocumented Students in California – What You Should Know. Feel free to download and print the PDFs as you see fit – this is great “nuts and bolts” information.

What should you do, as a school district employee, if a student or parent tells you that they are afraid or that they need help?

For Students:

Your first priority is to provide help by walking the student directly to a counselor or the principal. Along the way, reassure the student that adults on campus will do everything they can to help students feel safe.

For Parents or Other Adults:

Offer both support and information. Feel free to share, print, or distribute the resources below as is appropriate to your role. If you are uncomfortable, or do not feel informed enough to offer support and information, please walk the adult to the administrative office so the principal or parent liaison can work with the parent directly.

What should you do, as a school district employee, if you encounter Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) or another immigrant enforcement agency on or near your campus?

  1. Immediately notify your administrative office of the officer’s request(s).
  2. Advise the officer that, before proceeding with his or her request, you must first receive direction from your administrator.
    • If the officer declares that exigent circumstances exist and demands immediate access to your school, comply with his or her orders and immediately alert your administrative office.
    • Do NOT attempt to physically impede any ICE or CBP officer, even if he or she appears to be exceeding their authorization. Instead, document his or her actions.
  3. Ask to see, and make a copy, note, or other documentation of:
    • The officer’s credentials (i.e., name and badge number);
    • The phone number of his or her supervisor;
    • The officer’s reason for being on school grounds;
    • Any documentation he or she has that authorizes his or her school access.
  4. If the officer has an ICE administrative warrant OR a subpoena for production of documents or other evidence, inform the officer that you CANNOT consent to any request without first consulting with your designated administrator.
  5. If the officer has a federal judicial warrant (for example, a search-and-seizure warrant or an arrest warrant signed by a judge), prompt compliance is usually required; if possible, consult with your administrator or legal counsel before providing access to the materials and/or person(s) outlined in the warrant.
  6. Do not physically impede the officer, even if they appear unauthorized. If the officer enters without consent or permission, document the officer’s actions and record their actions with your cell phone or other device(s) if possible.
  7. Please resist the impulse to spread the word that ICE is on campus. It is unlikely that ICE would conduct an operation at a school unless they had a warrant or court order. By spreading the word, you could inadvertently turn an isolated action into a major incident.
  8. Please read Quick Reference for School Officials and Model Policies for Responding to On-Campus Immigration Enforcement for more detailed information regarding the California Attorney General’s procedure for interacting with immigration enforcement agents.